
Showing posts from April, 2017

Why I am An Athiest by Bhagat Singh(Year 1931)

Bhagat Singh 1931 Why I am an Atheist Written : October 5–6, 1930 Source/Translated : Converted from the original Gurmukhi (Punjabi) to Urdu/Persian script by Maqsood Saqib; translated from Urdu to English by Hasan for, 2006; HTML/Proofread : Andy Blunden and Mike Bessler; CopyLeft : Creative Common (Attribute & ShareAlike) 2006. It is a matter of debate whether my lack of belief in the existence of an Omnipresent, Omniscient God is due to my arrogant pride and vanity. It never occurred to me that sometime in the future I would be involved in polemics of this kind. As a result of some discussions with my friends, (if my claim to friendship is not uncalled for) I have realised that after having known me for a little time only, some of them have reached a kind of hasty conclusion about me that my atheism is my foolishness and that it is the outcome of my vanity. Even then it is a serious problem. I do not boast of being above these human follie